The profession of music journalist already has its advantages. You can get in touch with your personal musician heroes, never pay a cent for a concert ticket – and you always get unsolicited CDs sent to you, sometimes from completely unknown but great bands.

For example “These Days” by the Canadian alternative rock and folk band The Grapes Of Wrath. The hippie quartet from British Columbia never really made a real career, which is of course a real cheek. Just because of the song “You May Be Right” from the album mentioned above, released in 1991. When the album came out I could hardly get enough of it – it ran and ran. In the living room, in the car, in the office. When I now brought out the CD for my pearl collection to listen to it again for the first time after many years, I have to say: I still think it’s great. And still “You My Be Right” is my favorite. The tight guitar riffs in the opener, the clean, wistful slide guitar, the hymn-like refrain harmonies reminiscent of the Beatles, the dry, straightforward groove, the massive organ solo … you can break it all down to certain things and details, but that’s not necessary at all. Because the music – this song – creates what only good music can do: within a few bars it puts you in a carefree, completely relaxed high spirits.